Sunday, March 05, 2006

oscar > nascar > nasdaq

Since I did a super bowl blog, and since my interest in the SB is probably roughly equal to my interest in the oscars, fairness and lack of anything better to do with my sunday night, combined with the fact that I have a new reader (HI ED!) urges me to write an oscar post. However, since i am singularly unqualified to opine on art, entertainment, talent or pulchritude, I have chosen do do something uniquely bloggrrilla. Here then, with no word from any sponsor, I bring you My Oscar Blog:

I may perhaps be a tad asperger syndrome, but I have some trouble keeping the above named entities/events apart in my brain. thus my first quiz. The Os/nas/car/daq quiz:

1. guess the event/entity which spawned the following quotes:

a) they are hot, they are edgy..

b) weak rubber and tires...

c) updo, downdo...

d) the power supercouple...

e) silly season...

f) in the event of a crash... (ooh that's a toughie folks. especially THIS year...)

g) first of several shoes to drop... (SEVERAL shoes. wow.)

h) this is a fantastic dress you're wearing...(ah ok, just checking to see if you're's...NASCAR! oooh yeah.)

2. What do Oscar and NASCAR have in common?
(besides that they rhyme and are thus connected in Bloggrrilla's phoneme obsessed brain)
A: click here..

ok ok this is not one of my more inspired blogs. But, well, i was compelled. I've done my duty now. Go eat your freakin popcorn or pizza or whatever people eat while watching the oscars. Oh sorry, champagne and caviar blinis.

(answers: a) OSCAR; b) NASDAQ; c) OSCAR; d) OSCAR; e) NASCAR; f) NASCAR; g) NASDAQ; h) OSCAR. oh come ON. whaddija think?)


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