Friday, February 17, 2006

insect petting zoo

Those who know me know that I am a modest fan of the insect. By "modest fan" i mean that I do not love insects the way I love cats, horses or even iguanas, but I do not abhore them either. I have a mild, somewhat bemused interest in the furious struggles of the ant, am amused by the homer simpsonesque nature of the fly, and think praying mantises are pretty cool looking. I also like bees. (However, big brown papernest wasps terrify me, and, as with all things that terrify one, seem inordinately attracted to me. I am reminded of the poet Archilochus, but, that's for another day.) (his grave is supposed to be surrounded constantly by hornets)

Anyway, given my feelings about the insect, it would seem that the Smithsonian Insect Zoo is tailor made for such as I. Apparently you can even pet them.
But, the picture on the site also has a
tarantula which, as any 8 yr old can tell you, is no insect.

It is an arachnid. Smithsonian oughta fix that.

and now for something completely different.
CAUTION: PG-13 (parental guidance suggested. Some nudity, some touching...some hardware...)

heh. fooldya. Friday feline follies as if you thought I'd forgotten. This time, pink and abby embrace on the bf's laptop.

since it is friday, i am exhausted. Cannot even tell you how tired. and before I forget, I have to say that next week is the bar exam. If I had not passed the sucker in July, I'd be doing it next week. I am inordinately glad that I am not, and I want to take this opportunity to wish ALL bar takers, be they first time, second or tenth, good luck next week. If you've never taken the bar, you have NO idea of the stress level involved. Not sure why, or how, but it is a NASTY experience. It's not even that hard, i mean objectively. But the psychological pressure is incredible. probably only equalled by the pressure undergone by doctors and paratroopers. thus, bar takers, i wish you ALL luck. merde, etc!


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