Sunday, February 19, 2006

morpheus' dark and starry altar

I am a fan of sleep. If allowed, I sleep 9 hours per night. (but can't ever get them) I also (and have stated this before) think it's ridiculous to require people to start working at 9am, and i completely mistrust people who have no trouble popping out of bed at 6 or (god forbid) 5am. When I used to post to a runners message board, I realized that many runners are the type of people who actually pride themselves on getting up at hours that are beyond wee (3am, 4am) to get in a run before the 9-5 job kicks in. Now I love to run, but I could no more do that than I could go to torino this minute and knock off a flawless half-pipe 180 snowboarding trick. Nor do I EVER plan to run at 3am, unless I stay up to do it and unless (ok lets face it) someone comes up with some very nice medical enhancement that enables me to do so.

Here's where the link comes in. There are 2 interesting articles here about sleep. One about sleep deprivation drugs (which allow you to go without sleep without feeling it. and what do you do with those extra hours? why you WORK of course! ooo i can hardly wait.), and one about sleep in pre-industrial times (apparently they had 2 periods of sleep. they'd knock off at about 9pm (bedbugs allowing), then get up after midnight for a beer and a chat.).

anyway. If you, like I, love to worship at morpheus' dark altar, read and weep. Sleep as we imagine it was, never was, and sleep as we'd love it to be, will not be or will not be for much longer. There. sleep on THAT.


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