Saturday, June 03, 2006


Photo courtesy of

"In the folk magic of many cultures, the crossroads is a location "between the worlds" and, as such, a site where supernatural spirits can be contacted and paranormal events can take place.
This is particularly pronounced in conjure, rootwork, and hoodoo, a form of African American magical spirituality. In conjure practice, it is said that in order to acquire facility at various manual and body skills, such as playing a musical instrument, throwing dice, or dancing, one may attend upon a crossroads a certain number of times, either at midnight or just before dawn,and one will meet a 'black man," whom some call the Devil, who will bestow upon one the desired skills." wikipedia

Well, i'm at a crossroads of sorts with this blog. I wonder if i will get supernatural skills if I blog at midnight...
At any rate, here's my dilemma: I can make this a straight up cancer blog, detailing the treatments and my mental and physical status vis a vis this disease (oooh i'm a poet). Or I can keep doing the irrelevant, frivolous, shallow posting that you know and love.
Actually there's another choice. I can keep bloggrilla as bloggrilla, and start another blog with the cancer blow by blow. I'm inclined to take that option.

The only reason I feel compelled to blog about the cancer at all is that I myself find people's cancer blogs really helpful and encouraging. To get deep on ya for a moment or two (don't worry, it won't hurt) facing a potentially fatal disease has a way of distancing one a bit from one's healthy friends. This isn't horrible, but it happens. So, one searches the web for people going thru what one is going thru. I've been really gratified to find both Marjory and Miriam, and I follow their blogs like i used to read runners magazines. (ok i still read runners mags. But now i find the envy almost too much to bear...). It helps! You realize you can still be geeky and stupid and lazy and don't have to walk around looking like Camille and coughing gently into a scented hanky. (not that miriam or marjory are geeky or stupid or lazy. but they didn't change because of the cancer into tragic heroines overnight.)

I don't really wanna be a tragic heroine either. So, i think i'll keep bloggrilla, and create a different blog for the cancer follies.

So it wasn't a crossroads after all. It was more of a three way, like this:


Blogger Marjory said...

Hi Abigail
Thanks for your comments on our TwinkleTwinkles (Breast Cancer) blog. I'm replying on Marjory's behalf since she's gone to a Bon Jovi concert with friends tonight - Race for Life tomorrow ... - I can feel a boys day out coming on!

Anyway - thanks for your link.

I've linked us to your new cancer blog site - hope that's OK. Let me know if you would like it changed in any way.

Stay strong and keep well
Gordon (and Marjory)

Sat Jun 03, 04:26:00 PM EDT  

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