Friday, April 21, 2006

king to pawns

King Gyanendra has made a concession. He will allow the royal dog one extra milk bone per week. He hopes this will stop the protests, and restore order.

Ok ok, you got me. thas a joke, son. Here's the real story, hot off the BBC (those brit hotties, who keep the best track of their ex-empire. wait, was nepal part of their empire? the bbc is notoriously silent on this....)
At any rate, Gyanendra says he will now allow an election for prime minister. some say this is a major step, some say it just ain't enuff. In my eyes, there's not much he can do at this point to stop the inevitable...the inevitable being the end of the monarchy. I have to say I don't hate Gyanendra, after all, he supports the WWF (not world wrestling foundation. SMACKDOWN!). But isn't he a bit anachronistic? I mean, look at the crown...

I don't know how this will all turn out. Anything I would want to say that isn't a joke would be hopelessly stupid, bland and platitudinous, so I'll spare you. pass the milk bones.


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