Wednesday, January 11, 2006

shopping with bloggrrilla

I am a strange woman. Shopping for clothes, talking on the phone, and beauty parlors fill me with dread and the need to avoid them at all costs. (and, no offense to the breederishly inclined, but i don't want a baby either...) I mean, all these activities take up too much time and the end result is never as good as you wanted it to be. Hence, I am generally prone to avoiding infants, wearing well-worn clothes from 1992, sporting bad hair, and returning calls only when missing them threatens economic or reputational ruin.

Although hair was always a problem, clothes haven't always been. When I was a dancer, I mostly lived in jeans and workout clothes, and the annual pilgrimage to the gap to buy jeans took all of about 10 minutes: Enter store, find guys section, pour self into the smallest straightleg 501s you can, pay, and leave. that was before "relaxed" entered the vocabulary of jeans for people under 78 yrs old and 300 lbs, before manufacturers started deciding that every woman has a 22 inch waist and 85 inch hips, before the dizzying array of "boot-cut," "low-rise", martin/jimmy/ellwood /harrison/ford/chrysler/honda "fits," before "pre-ripped" jeans, and before jeans cost at minimum 50 bucks and max out over 5 benjies. Now, men's jeans are too baggy, women's jeans have those HIPS, and i cannot afford to go to diesel or baby blue or prada or whoever else wants me to pay 3 digits for a ripped up piece of denim. gads.

So today i was almost irrationally elated when I ventured into the gap to buy some bras (yes, bras at the gap, sigh, I have NO style), and found a dark pair of jeans that had not been pre-washed, ripped, ground-in-dirted or stressed in any way, which FIT me the way jeans should, i.e. none of that overly curvy shit, STRAIGHT in the hips which is how I'm built, AND which cost less than 50 bucks.

And by the way, how about that Alito?

Yes, I've been listening to the hearings. I don't have anything smart to say that hasn't been said about Alito, he's a very smart man, and his hyper-conservative views should come as no surprise to anyone, given his judicial history and opinions. What is surprising is that anyone in congress actually expects him to give a straight answer about roe v. wade. However, I will say that there are things that frighten me about Alito, such as his much-inquired into CAP membership (ok so he was a member, but why was he proud of it at 30?) AND the fact that he actually said he admired Bork. The latter admission would be enough for me to keep him as far away from the Supreme Ct as possible...perhaps assigning him a district judgeship in Guam...

There. the sacred and profane in one blog. You decide which is which...


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