Monday, January 01, 2007


I resolve not to make any resolutions this year. As a general rule, my resolutions are pretty good, I mean I never resolve the usual things involving health, altruism, or self-improvement, so I'm never caught up in the usual, "quit smoking" "lose 10 pounds" boring crap. My resolutions, like most, however, sometimes seem to reflect some fantasy about what either I or my life should "go to mongolia this year" or "have plastic surgery done in order to look like cate blanchet." My best resolutions were those I wrote in (sorta) jest, which consisted of resolutions to "harrass, irritate and otherwise make life miserable for those I love and cherish each and every day of the year" and "point out to well meaning strangers how dismal and hellish their lives really are". I managed to keep those....bwhahahahahah.

At any rate, in complete bipolar reversal of the first statement on this post, here's one for this year that I think I'll really try to keep. the beauty of it is, it's short term enough so that Ms. ADD may be able to do it, and fast enough (now) so that ms. alzheimers won't forget about it.

I resolve to write in one or the other of my blogs EVERY DAY FOR ONE (1) MONTH, that month being the month of January, 2007, i.e. starting today.

So there u have it, my very first step towards keeping my resolution. 30 more days to go. If I fail, feel free to dis the hell out of me. I love it. (See recent comment on "the year in fears" over at cancer-grrl...)



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